
57 of BKFC’s brightest stars share their New Year's resolutions

57 of BKFC’s brightest stars share their New Year's resolutions

As 2024 draws to a close and we punch our way into the new year, we asked 57 of BKFC’s brightest stars for their resolutions and goals heading into 2025.

“Defiant” Bryant Acheson: I'm always striving to be a better person in and out of the Squared Circle, every day in every way. In 2025, I will be the undefeated, undisputed, BKFC Cruiserweight Champion of the World!

“Hungry” Hasan Al-Ghanim: My New Year’s resolution is to fight on one of the biggest cards in BKFC history, in front of my people in the Middle East, at BKFC Dubai.

Brandon “Superman” Allen: My 2025 BKFC resolution is to become the 145-pound King and clear out the whole 145 division! “Superman” flyin’ high.

Roberto “El Gallo Negro” Armas: My New Year’s resolution in BKFC is to break into the Top 5 135 division rankings in the first half of the year. I want to also be a part of BKFC on an international level. Personally, I want to strive to be the best father to my kids. All other things like work and education align with that and I want to make sure they have everything I didn’t.

Elvin “El Bandido” Brito: This has been a year of breakthroughs for me and all I wish to do next year is to keep ahold of the reigns of destiny, to finish the work that we’ve already begun.

Brandon Bushaw: Fight-wise: stay in shape and continue to fight Father Time! Stay ready for short-notice opportunities. Career-wise: increase my best sales year in real estate by 20-percent. Family-wise: continue to enjoy every minute coaching and traveling with my kids!

Zach “Shark Attack” Calmus: My goal is to completely dominate at KnuckleMania and challenge for the BKFC World Championship.

Chris Camozzi: In 2025 I want to get as many fights as possible. I'll defend the belt against any and all. This will be the year that changes my life both professionally and financially.

“Slick” Rick Caruso: No “New Year, new me” B.S. from ol' “Slick Rick.” We plan to continue the upward momentum after that Knockout Of The Year in Myrtle. I’m gonna be more active with five fights this year, and avenge an L on the record. Happy New Year, BFKC fans!

Doug “ColdRed” Coltrane: To reintroduce myself to the middleweight division. See y’all soon.

Brandon “Stronghold” Conley: I'm going to 185, knocking them all out and getting a title shot. Make money and pay off my house!

Joseph “Dark Knight” Creer: My 2025 New Year’s resolution is to continue to prove myself amongst the top 185ers in the organization and challenge, compete and become the 185-pound BKFC World Champion within the year.

Eric “Thuggy Bear” Dodson: My New Year’s resolution is to be more deliberate with investing in myself. In all areas, I want to try to be more deliberate with future growth.

Bryan “El Gallo” Duran: In 2025 I'm looking forward to smashing Kai Stewart’s face in with my right arm! Nothing else professionally, really.

Tai Emery: 2025 is going to be the turnaround of all the collected years of sacrifice, training and continuous hard work. I’m not big on New Year’s resolutions. I like to assess my goals at all times, but this coming year I feel some change coming — beautiful displays of technical violence!

Christine “Misfit” Ferea: 2025 is a year of transition and change for me.

Ramiro Figueroa: My main resolution is to stay busy and complete all the fights I have in my BKFC contract. I also want to start traveling and make my name known worldwide in the BKFC scene. By the end of 2025, I aim to be ranked in the Top 5 in the world.

Chris “Dynamite” Garcia: My 2025 New Year’s resolution is to continue to work my way up and get an opportunity to fight for the belt at 135 pounds, to give all my fans, supporters, and of course my kids and family something that I promised them. I’m ranked No. 4, so my time will come when given by God. I want to also just keep working on bettering myself. 

Anthony “The Warrior of Christ” Garrett: My 2025 New Year’s resolutions are as follows: put God first, spend as much time with my daughter as possible, get engaged to Ana Lato, break my own fastest knockout record yet again and then finally stay undefeated in BKFC!

Justin “Joy Boy” Ibarrola: My New Year’s resolution is to stay undefeated and dominate every fight against higher-level opponents, cementing myself as BKFC’s greatest bantamweight of all time. The title is last on my list. I want to be a bigger draw than the Mike Perrys and the Eddie Alvarezs of the sport.

Blake “Big Boy” LaCaze: To be back ranked in the Top 5! And this jab will take me around the world.

Michael “Papa G” Larrimore: My No. 1 goal for 2025/forevermore is to cling to Christ. As far as personal goals, I want to earn my spot in the Top 5 of the bantamweight division and work my way towards a title shot!

James “Lights Out” Lilley: Personally: stop sweating the small stuff, focus on what matters — friends, families, health. Professionally: a busy year with BKFC to get back to the top before I call it a day.

Louie “El Loco” Lopez: My New Year’s resolution this year is to be more patient with people who need patience. I really want that to be key. As for my professional goals this year?! To be BKFC World Champion in 2025!

“Super” Chad Lucanas: My goal is to become a household name like the great Manny Pacquiao.

Erick “El Travieso” Lozano: My New Year’s resolution is to be the best father I can be to my kids and continue my last run for BKFC gold!

Nate “Mayhem” Maness: At the top of the goal list for 2025 would be to get that title shot for BKFC and continue to grow and expand the Mayhem MMA gym that a partner and I started up this year.

Josh “Danger” Marer: My 2025 resolution is to keep improving with my new boxing coach, Kelly Davis, and ride a win streak through the new year! I’m going to keep improving with each fight, and in daily life to constantly be a better version of myself!

Jonathan Miller: This year I’m out to redeem myself and prove I belong in the BKFC. New management company with Storm Management, everything new. I’m back!

Crystal “Rugged Beauty” Pittman: Get that BKFC Women's World Bantamweight Title around my waist!

Edgard “The Dream Killer” Plazaola: Three or four more wins and the BKFC World Featherweight Championship belt.

“Royal” Ryan Reber: No more losses and a rematch for the BKFC World Bantamweight Championship belt!

Wanya “The Rated R Superstar” Reid: My New Year’s resolution is to stay as active as possible in 2025, fight some of the best fighters in the 155 division, and make enough money to take care of my family.

Keith “The Rockstar” Richardson: I typically don’t do New Year’s resolutions, but I do set goals for the year and by the end of the year I will be the champ again!

JR “The Lion” Ridge: My New Year’s resolution is to make 2025 the most fruitful year I’ve had! Hitting my professional and personal goals and helping others achieve theirs!

Nathan “The Reaper” Rivera: I have three New Year’s resolutions. I would like to fight four times, I would like to fight overseas for BKFC, and I would like to break into the Top 5.

Esteban “Mohawk” Rodriguez: I plan on becoming BKFC World Cruiserweight Champion. I also plan on finishing my website to help those around the world accomplish their goals. Start the training in the park program, and start the process of expanding Team Mohawk MMA.

Gabrielle Roman: My New Year’s goal is to work my way up into the Top 3 for the BKFC women’s flyweight division.

“Big” Ben Rothwell: In 2025, the main goal is to win the BKFC World Heavyweight Championship and have the opportunity to defend it. 

Ace “O Spades” Samples: I’m putting asses in seats and MFers to sleep until my belt is within reach!

Dylan “The Villain” Schulte: I’m going to win a BKFC World Championship in 2025. I’m going to beat up a Top 5 guy in April/May and then I’m going to starch whoever the World Champ is in the fall. This is my breakthrough year. This is the year I realize my dream.

Braxton “The Beautiful Monster” Smith: My 2025 goals are to have a better relationship with my creator, and be a better father, husband, athlete, and better man. I'm a huge horror fan, so I'll definitely be dropping my horror short film this year. I want the BKFC World Cruiserweight Title or a shot at the BKFC World Heavyweight Title in 2025.

Tony “Loco” Soto: I look forward in the new year to getting what’s truthfully mine — the 155 title. Expanding my gym, Loco Soto Boxing. Continuing to provide for my family, and continuing to prove everyone wrong who doubts me because I’m the baddest SOB on the planet.

Taylor “Killa Bee” Starling: My New Year’s goals for 2025 are to dominate Bec Rawlings at KnuckleMania, get my title shot back against Britain Hart — preferably in Sturgis again so we can kill it again — and have the happiest wedding in March, and get better at the flute!

“King” Kai Stewart: My New Year’s resolution is to continue my path of carnage over the featherweight division, and capture the lightweight division title because nobody else is as tough, good looking, or cool as me.

Andrew “Legend” Strode: My 2025 resolution is to fight more in BKFC, bring the flyweight belt home to Denver and be the first BKFC World Flyweight Champion from Colorado.

Drew “Wild Boy” Stuve: My New Year’s resolution is simple: to stay disciplined, hungry, and focused. I want to sharpen every aspect of my game, dominate every fight, and represent the BKFC at the highest level. It’s about leaving no doubt that I’m here to make my mark in this sport and inspire others to chase their dreams with everything they’ve got.

Connor “The Brum Town Bomber” Tierney: My New Year’s resolutions are to take the top spot at 165 pounds, win the BKFC World Title, destroy big names, cause upsets and build the "Brum Town Bomber" name even bigger!

Steve “Tomahawk” Townsel: First and foremost, I’d like to thank God for another year of life and I’d like to thank BKFC for giving me the opportunity to do what I love to do! In 2025 I’m continuing to leave my mark with BKFC and becoming the BKFC World Cruiserweight Champion.  As well as bring in a few new faces to the BKFC as a coach, and be on the lookout for the "TOMAHAWK" the cigar that packs a punch, my own cigar brand. Happy New Year, everybody!

Carlos “Uzumaki” Trinidad Snake: My New Year's resolution is to win the BKFC World Welterweight Title and remain undefeated.

Austin “No Doubt” Trout: My New Year's resolution is to add a belt to my BKFC collection. I'm eyeing that BKFC World Lightweight TItle belt, just so they know! Also be a better father, husband, son and family member.

Crystal “The Lovely” VanWyk: My New Year’s resolutions are to do one or two more fights and climb the rankings, fight internationally for BKFC and perhaps fight for a title by the end of next year in South Africa.

Zeb “CWB” Vincent: I plan on getting my wife and I a house. I plan on taking the belt at 175 pounds and having it around my waist before 2025 is over.

Ruben “Bad Boy” Warr: I have a lot of goals in 2025! I want to put on the best performances out there for BKFC. I’m done chasing knockout times; I just want to be the greatest bare knuckle fighter I can be, and put on the best performances. I want to build an empire for my family. I want to be a BKFC World Champion and open my own company in roofing and take over every goal in BKFC and in my city. Give my kids the greatest home.

Jared “Captain Deadpool” Warren: 2024 was a year of extreme highs and lows for me. Got promoted at the fire department, won the BKFC World Light-Heavyweight Title, house was destroyed by hurricanes, lost the World Title. My takeaway is be grateful for what you have because it can all be gone in an instant. Oh and 2025, I’m getting my damn belt back!

Justin Watson: My biggest resolution is to focus 100-percent on my career and training full-time. My other goal is to gain financial freedom and give my daughter a life she’s never dreamed of.

Chancey “Supaflyy” Wilson: I wanna bounce back and get back on top. I owe some flyweight contenders some get back! Believe it or not, the BKFC World Flyweight Title is just a few hand raises away for me still. You’ll see it on my waist soon.

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